大人3人と子ども1人だが、プレートにはそれほど差がない。子どもは大人ほどには食べられないから、食べられる分だけを盛った方が良いと思うのだが、朝のバタバタの中では、そこまでは手が回らないというのが実情。(調子の良い時はペロリと平らげる時もある)ちなみにちょうど上の画像には4枚のプレートが写っているが、どれが子ども用のものか分かるだろうか? 答えは、左上の梅干しがのっていないものだ。娘は、蜂蜜入りの塩分4%程度の南高梅が別に用意されている。
Without the main fish, it seems a little lackluster. However, since it is canned mackerel simmered in miso, the rice goes well with it.
There are three adults and one child, but there is not much difference in the plates. Children can’t eat as much as adults, so it would be better to serve them only what they can eat, but in the morning rush, they can’t get around to that much. (When she’s in a good mood, she sometimes eats it all in one piece.) By the way, can you tell which of the four plates in the picture above is for children? The answer is the one on the upper left without the pickled plum. My daughter has a separate plate of Nanko ume, which is about 4% salt with honey.